Bryan Bobblehead: What you up to girlfriend?
Me: Just cooking up another Dorie Greenspan recipe from my new cookbook, chicken tagine to be more specific.
Bryan Bobblehead: Girl, you so crazy!
Me: Um...have you suddenly turned into a sassy black woman? And what are you doing here?
Bryan Bobblehead: 1) I wish! 2) I live in this kitchen and you need me.
Me (as I continue to chop onions and prep the chicken): How do you figure?
Bryan Bobblehead: Well you can't deny I bring something to this relationship. My steely blue gaze...... tattoos....
and a tight ass.
Plus, you just effed up the chicken thus proving my point that you need a professional in this shamble of a kitchen.
Me: It's fine.
Bryan Bobblehead: Oh really, let's take a closer look....
....That is what you get for not fully reading directions and not knowing the basics of proper chicken preparation.
Me: Listen plastic boy, I know you have a fair point but this chicken is soon going to be smothered in all kinds of deliciousness and a little missing skin will be unnoticeable.
Bryan Bobblehead: I can see where you are going with this, but somehow I feel like you will fail.
Me: Thanks for the support.
Bryan Bobblehead: That's what I'm here for sista!
45 minutes later: cous cous cooked, and tagine finished and plated.
Bryan Bobblehead: I don't know, it looks a bit questionable.
....and did you just take a picture without me. Let's take another shot.
Me: Ugh you are a pain in my....(rudely interrupted)
Bryan Bobblehead: CHEESE!
Me: Listen, I know that this tagine may not win best in show, looks wise, but it tastes delicious. Chicken falling off the bone, sweet potatoes, prunes, cinnamon, saffron, and a dash of awesomeness make this a winning recipe.
Bryan Bobblehead: Say what you want, this is when I'm glad I don't have to try any of the crazy things you cook.
Me: You realize that I am bigger than you?
Bryan Bobblehead: You don't scare me.
(muffled voice from the kitchen drawer)
I was just kidding girl! HAHAHA! You know I was just joshing ya! Okay? We're cool right? You gonna let me out soon right? Right.......?
(Author's note: This recipe really was delicious, albeit some mistakes on my part. Thanks!)
Everything about this made me laugh out loud. LOVE IT!
Will you please move in with ardy and I and be our personal chef?!
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